Zoom Webinar Series: A Discussion about Resilience and Diversity Through Academia and Industry.
STEP Welcomes Lizbeth De La Cruz Santana!
""Anzaldúa states, "do work that matters, vale la pena," and pursuing my calling in life calls for just that, doing work that matters to me and for my community through resilience, perseverance and manifesting growth and opportunities through brave spaces."
-Lizbeth De La Cruz Santana
The STEP Zoom Webinar Series will be a discussion about diversity and resilience through academia and the workforce. We will bring industry leaders, individuals in academia, and activists to talk to the campus about what it is like being either a minority, marginalized group, or underrepresented individual.
Lizbeth De La Cruz Santana is a fourth year Ph.D. Candidate at the University of California Davis working towards a Ph.D. in Spanish with an emphasis on Human Rights with a focus on immigration. She received her B.A. and M.A. in Spanish from Fresno State. De La Cruz is currently a graduate student UC Davis where she works as a research assistant and teaching associate. Her academic scholarship emphasizes a Publicly Engaged Digital Humanities approach through fieldwork in the U.S.-Mexico Border. Her role as a facilitator for the DACAmented: DREAMS without Borders and Humanizing Deportation Digital Storytelling projects provide the platform for undocumented (im)migrants and deportees to participate as knowledge creators.
April 16th 2020 | 11:00am-1:00pm | Online-Zoom
Sign Up Here: https://step.ucmerced.edu/form/zoom-webinar-series-discussion-about-resi...
Zoom Link: TBA